Current studies - Vulnerable Children & Adolescent Health

Under this project we will:
  1. Roll out Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) Curriculum both for in school and out of school adolescents in selected communities
  2. Conduct community and school sensitizations targeting adolescents
  3. Work closely with community leaders, traditional leaders and church leaders for successful implementation of the project
  4. Create Community Clubs in communities for implementation of CSE
  5. Work with Schools to organise School debates and training of peer educators in school clubs in CSE
  6. Refer adolescents to health facilities, youth friendly corners, and other services points to access HIV testing services and Sexual Reproductive Health Services (prevention, treatment, family planning services etc.)

The Operation Triple Zero (OTZ) Plus Model, was successfully implemented in Kenya and is being adopted in Zambia to empower Adolescents Living with HIV (10-24 yrs) to adopt habits that address poor health outcomes. The CIDRZ MAC model will recruit 6000 ALHIV through the health facilities into OTZ clubs focused on triple zero, i.e.,

  1. Zero Viral Load
  2. Zero mother-to-child-transmission among pregnant and breastfeeding adolescents, and
  3. Zero teen pregnancies.
  • We will empower Adolescents & Young People to achieve the triple zero through HIV literacy, self-health management and an emergency response mobile Application (App). We will address GBV & mental health among adolescents (the ‘plus’ in OTZ plus), through referral & counseling services. We will train mobile booth operators on SRHR to dispense contraception (condoms, oral & emergency pills) and educational materials. Also, OTZ plus SRHR booths shall be placed in 2 tertiary institutions.